Yes, you will be temporary blocked if you unfollow too many people quickly. You would receive a block prompt. In most cases, prompts will stop you from following or unfollowing for a day or two. At this time, you should let Instagram know that you are very active on the platform. This move may help remove or resolve the block more quickly.
By following the rules below, you can unfollow people safely:
For new account:
Max unfollow 60-100 people per day.
Instagram account will be updated every 3 months. It means that you can increase the follow and unfollow limits every 3 months.
For old account:
Max unfollow 200-250 sometimes it can up to 400-500 the limits depends on account’s activities and other factors.
Have you ever encountered such a situation, you are counting the number of unfollows, but suddenly you are interrupted by other things, and then you forgot where to count?
To solve this embarrassing thing you can use the Instagram automation tool followinglike. With it, you can set a limit for unfolow, when the number of unfollow reaches this limit, it will automatically stop working. Very flexible isn’t it? In addition, you can also set an interval for unfollow to ensure that the account will not run so fast and cause Instgram to detect abnormal activities. Other functions, such as like, post, comment will also make the account more active, thereby reducing the risk of account being blocked.
Time and max running times: max unfollow 30 people per day
Interval time: the pause time to unfollow the next person is 60-120 seconds. It's a range
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