With more than 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is the second most used Messenger platform after Facebook. It has also turned into one of the most used marketing channels. Every day there are more than 65 billion messages sent on WhatsApp.
In addition to all these statistics and the increasing popularity of WhatsApp, other reasons that encouraged many marketers to use this platform to market their business are: doing B2B (you need to use this platform to inform customers of their offers and services), or need an App that can support multiple-media, or your budget is tight.
To market your products and services via WhatsApp platform well. You may need a WhatsApp marketing tool WappSenerPro with clever marketing strategies to get a good success rate.
What is WappSenderPro?
WappSenderPro is a third party WhatsApp marketing tool powered by WhiteHatBox that helps you to send unlimited bulk messages to your current and potential clients or scrape contacts from online.
Key Feature
- Message to unsaved/saved number: The traditional mode of using WhatsApp to send messages is: add the number to the phone book>>select a contact>>send a message. By using this tool, you can send unlimited messages to contacts without saving the number.
- Grab number: Search for contacts from the web by setting keywords or providing links. You can set the number of search numbers, search depth, and search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo).
- Filter Number: Filter the list of imported/searched numbers to filter out which numbers have registered WhatsApp accounts and which numbers have not registered WhatsApp accounts.
- Personalized message content:The message content can be text, video, audio, picture, link, file (pdf, word, ppt...etc.) In addition, you can also use variables to automatically change the name of the message content to the real user's name. Such as:
Original: Hi [FirstName], how is your today?
After sent: Hi Judy, how is your today?
- Fetch Contact: Fetch all the contacts of your account, or from a group
- Unlimited contacts/messages: has the ability to add unlimited contacts and messages
- Spin: Rotate the same content into multiple message with the same meaning.
- Report result: display the detailed running log in a table of the software, so easier for you to view
- Other features: limit the number of message sending per day, the frequency of each sending, number of threads sending messages
How it works?
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