If you are looking for a music marketing app, i would recommend AIOSTREAM. It’s a music promotion tool that works for Spotify, Deezer, Napster, SoundCloud and Tidal (this one will be released in the next few days). Many functions can be found here, and you can use it to promote your music well.
What you can do with this app?
#increase views for your songs
By using accounts with different IP addresses you can increase the views of your songs, albums, playlist, and custom playlist.
When playing, it will simulate real human operations, first open the browser, then log in to the account, and then find the song to play. So these plays are real, and will be counted.
When setting the playback campaign, you can set the duration of the song playback (for example, 30-240s), the account that plays the song, and the number of times each account is played.
#increase the follower and likes of playlist
The added follow and like function allow you to let your other accounts follow and like the playlist of the main account in bulk. You can also follow and like other people’s playlists to increase the interaction between your account and other people, so that others can like and follow your playlist back. This naturally helps your account increase followers and likes.
#manage multiple accounts at a time
The Account Manager makes it easy to save your accounts by category or campaign, you can see all the details of the accounts in one table very clear! When you select accounts to run a task, you can select either one category or multi-category accounts to run the task, this will help you to manage your campaign accounts very well.
More feature’s function can be found in its page, you are feel free to view them.
All in all, with this app, you can make your music business in a new level.
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